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The definition of repurpose:  to give a new use or new purpose to.  (source:  Wiktionary has an expanded version:  1. To reuse for a different purpose, on a long-term basis, without alteration or 2. To alter to make more suited for a different purpose.

I personally like the second expanded definition.  I love altering pieces to give them a new and different purpose.  But on many occasions, I just simply reuse something without altering it from its original purpose. For example, costume jewelry pieces- many times I reuse a string of beads or chain but do not deconstruct them.  I simply add to and embellish them creating something new and making them better than before!

Great blog post about the history of repurposing:   Threading My Way Blog  Pam hit the nail right on the head.  Repurposing and upcycling has just now come to be fashionable, trendy and acceptable in main stream societies.  In the past it was considered thrifty or being frugal- it was simply a way of life and a means to get by.

I encourage you, if you have an idea or you have always wanted to try something- go for it!  “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”  (French proverb)

I have a summer project that I have been working on for the past couple of weeks.  I am refashioning a white gauze jumper that was my mom’s from the 1970’s and updating and repurposing it for myself.  It is still in the works- so stay tuned for pictures.  Remember nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Here is a blog post from last year regarding a repurposing project that involved a vintage quilt top:

repurposing vintage quilt top

The Vintage Team Spirit tees continue to be a big hit and we are gearing up for another amazing football season in the coming weeks.  You can find testimonials from clients and more photos on the Dee Dee Style Facebook page.  There is also an order form available on the Shop tab at

And to think it all started with an idea!

phi beta pennant flag

pennant flag MHS