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Always Evolving

     The only thing in life that is constant is change.  We are continually changing everyday whether we choose to or not.  Our circumstances change, our friends change, we change our clothes, we change the channel, etc.  I personally like change.  There have only...

Before & After, II

     Well, the first Before & After post was such a big success that I decided to do a series.      I cannot express how many times I have seen something at a flea market and thought one of two things… 1.  how in the world did they think to do...

Before & After

    Have you ever seen something and wondered what could I do with that?  Happens to me all the time.  Now having the answer to that thought pondering question is not always so quick.  Sometimes I never come up with the what.  Or I see something that someone developed...

Dreams Really Do Come True

    It all started with a dream…     *  A dream in high school to be in fashion- a fashion designer or merchandiser     *  A dream while in corporate america to be a fashion designer or merchandiser     Little did I know that God knew His plans for me to be a...

Vintage Vogue

    I absolutely love most all things vintage, especially clothing, jewelry, furniture, home decor, and buttons.  Those top my list.  Recently I had a girlfriend approach me about vintage clothing shopping.  She has seen me wear a few vintage pieces and decided that...

As the World Turns

    Do you remember being a kid and when you got sick and you missed a day of school, thinking that the world would stop turning simply because you were not there?  I do!  I remember talking at night to my girlfriends and as they shared the events of the day, I would...